Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Favor to Ask

I have a bit of a favor to ask my faithful readers.  You have all been wonderfully supportive.  I would never have written this many books without all the support I've gotten.  I love writing these books, but it is hard work and my writing speed isn't what I'd like.  In order for me to crank out between 250,000 and 300,000 words in a year I really need to make it a second full time job or at least a pretty serious part time job.  I'm constantly trying to find ways to make just a bit more money to get me out of some monster debt and one way I'm doing that is by becoming an Amazon Affiliate.   I don't make much--it's about 4% for every sale, but if you buy a book from me, I'd appreciate if you follow my link to the book on Amazon.  It won't cost you more and it'll help me out.  It's just 12 cents that I get instead of Amazon and that does add up.


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